BVPPC (2/63)

From:Michael O'Hara
Date:1 May 2000 at 14:37:02
Subject:Re: Bvision problems, what else...

Hi Justin, on 28-Apr-00 23:38:27 you wrote:

>> In which case, they're completely stupid. It is entirely possible that a
>> fan can cause the overheating you're experiencing *given the "right"
>> circumstances*. If the fan is drawing air from an area that's /hotter/
>> than the item you're trying to cool, you will have no success. It's like
>> to trying to extinguish a fire with a flamethrower; It just won't work.

>The strange thing is that the board doesn't seem to be hot when it crashes.
>The ppc heatsink is lukewarm to the touch. It seems to run better when it is
>hot. The fan isn't extracting air from anything hot, as far as I can tell.

It could be the BVision/Permedia2 overheating, a small heatsink on the
permedia2 helps a lot with stability, as does a PSU fan mounted behind the
BlizzPPC's fan, using a fan this size also helps circulate the air in the

>However I still have problems with some software. GLQuakeWOS ror example,
>freezes after a few minutes, as do a few other PPC progs. However others run
>really reliably, so it could be due to bugs in the software.

GLQuakeWOS runs perfectly here, well almost... I'd say the problem was either
heat, or you have an early Blizz which needs a refix?

Carpe Diem,
Mike O'Hara - Search Engine works. - The non Wintel group - On hold.
Amike on UIN: 39795033

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